Security Policy for Limitless Cascading Level Select (LCLS) App


  1. Introduction

The Limitless Cascading Level Select (LCLS) app is designed to enhance the functionality of the Atlassian Jira platform by providing advanced level selection capabilities. The security of this app and the information stored within it is of utmost importance to us. This policy outlines the measures taken to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data processed by the LCLS app.

  1. Data Collection and Use

The LCLS app collects and processes data only as necessary to provide the intended functionality. All data collected by the LCLS app is stored securely within the Atlassian Jira platform. The app does not store or process any sensitive or confidential information outside of the Jira platform.


2.Incident Response

In the event of a security incident, the LCLS app will immediately notify the appropriate parties and take all necessary steps to contain the incident and prevent further damage. The app has a documented incident response plan in place to ensure a prompt and effective response to security incidents.

3.Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

The LCLS app is regularly monitored for security vulnerabilities and potential threats. The app undergoes regular security audits and assessments to ensure that it remains secure and that any identified vulnerabilities are promptly addressed.


The security of the LCLS app and the data processed by it is of utmost importance. The measures outlined in this policy are designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data processed by the app. The LCLS app is committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and protecting the information processed by the app.